I want to write this down because it's very exciting and I want to remember it in the future. Maybe that's why I write every post. Hmm, and DUH I guess. :)
I've worked at my job for 2 years and 5 days. Telecom Network Solutions, TNS for short. We have just been asked to do work in the Caribbean and I've gotten my passport and my name is going on the company down there, etc. etc. My life is gradually but then again quickly taking a turn for the better. My health, my work, my relationships, my interests, everything. The depression has lifted and other than my weight, which I'm trying to work on in a healthy way, I'm pleased with the way things have been going.
In a few months or a year I'd like to check back on this and see where I was now. Do you know that everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen is all happening at once? Interesting, Quantum Physics. My next big interest I think. :)
Lovin' the flute by the way.